About the Essex County Democratic Committee

_SKP5513.jpgThe Essex County Democratic Committee was established to direct efforts at the grassroots level of politics and government towards actively registering new voters, educating voters, actively participating in local neighborhoods, and in district and town affairs; supporting democratic candidates for county, state, national offices; taking an active role in the selection of democratic candidates; and, most important, defining, and promoting issues and positions for the County Democratic Party based upon understanding of the interests of Democratic voters in our districts.

What is the County Committee?

Essex County is divided into 551 election districts, each of which has its own polling place and is represented by one man and one woman from each political party. They are the party officials at the most local level. These people are commonly referred to as "district leaders" or officially as "County Committee members."

County Committee members are elected every two years by voters from each party at the Primary Election in June (each even-numbered year). Their official function is to elect the municipal and county officers of the County Committee. The municipal officers are elected six days after the Primary Election, and the county officers are elected the following day.

Role of the County Committee

As the elected member of the Democratic County Committee, you have a responsibility to serve the Democrats of your district; identify and register new democratic voters; assist in all phases if party work at the municipal and county levels; participate in planning and running of campaigns; work to build a larger Democratic vote in your district; and serve as an advocate and representative of the residents pf your district regarding neighborhood or district issues.


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